Omega Black 720W LED Grow Light New
If you're looking to upgrade to LED technology and you're on a tight budget, then the Omega Black 72..

Canna Boost Accelerator speeds up the developed of budding flowers to result in a more abundant crop..

Mitecide 240 SC (Floramite SC) New
Floramite 240 SCWHAT IS MITECIDE 240 SC?Mitecide is a Spidermite Eradicator. Nova research the brand..

Grove Bags New
Grove Bags have redefined the art of preserving your harvest, delivering unmatched odour control, we..

Benefits: as your selected Organic Coco-based Medium does not contain any nutrients and it is also a..

Rhino Pro Carbon filters will draw out stale air. Once they are attached to a Sileo RVK extract..

Dry Trim Trimming BagDried product is precious, but time is more valuable. When a big harvest arrive..

Shogun Sumo Boost SHOGUN Sumo Boost is a heavyweight bio-stimulant without equal. Standing prou..

Grow World Hydroponics - Grow Lights, Grow Shop, Birmingham UK

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